UPDATED 04.08.21
As It stands, the practice is OPEN
The health and well-being of staff, clients and the community is the primary concern during this pandemic. As a business we are adhering to the latest, best practice guidelines surrounding hygiene vigilance, and I encourage you to do so too.
Following the directive issued by NSW and Queensland Health, the practice will be open as of the 27.04.2020. When open, sessions will be run under the usual manner, with extra precautions implemented to ensure the safety of everyone involved.
What we are doing:
Appointment times will be spread to avoid unnecessary overlap and contact between clients, also allowing more time to clean the space between sessions.
Hands will be thoroughly washed and sanitised between every session
Massage table linen will be changed for each patient.
An increase use of disinfectant/sanitary wipes and sprays on all surfaces
Extra caution throughout the session
Luckily the current working space is quite small and very clean/tidy.
What you can do to stop the spread:
Regularly wash hands before and after eating and after going to the toilet.
Avoid touching your face unless hands are clean. Avoid personal contact.
Social distancing of 1.5m is advised
Prevent airborne particles by coughing into your elbow.
Dispose of tissues and wash hands.
Put clothes straight into dirty basket after arriving home
Maintain personal health, hygiene and hydration (well nourished)
If you are symptomatic, self-isolate and seek medical advice. Common symptoms include:
Trouble breathing
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
New confusion or inability to arouse
Bluish lips or face
Please do not attend the practice if you have been unwell and are experiencing any flu-like symptoms. This includes being in contact with someone who has been or is being tested for COVID-19. Simply let me know, no charges on late cancellations!
In the event that health practitioners are not permitted to continue working, all pre-booked sessions will be reschedule for a later date and arrangements will be made to continue you on your path to recovery.
For more information regarding the current situation, how to protect yourself and others, please refer to
For any other information, queries or questions regarding sessions or the practice, please contact me directly.
Kye Duncan
These are very uncertain times with constant change! We are always keeping an eye on the most recent updates regarding COVID-19. This crisis has already touched so many lives and businesses. My best wishes go out to everyone who has been affected in one way or another. Stay healthy, active and safe!